I am pure stream of consciousness. I am pure love. Perfect synergy, harmony and balance. I am whole and complete. Sovereign and free. Loving and lovable. I am of this Earth and of this Sky. Orgasmic bloom of divine. Forever expanding, blooming and blossoming. I am. I am you. You are me. We are one.

Divine Counterparts 

Every once a while I’m being asked to share my twin flame journey. Everything I share I don’t think about, it just starts writing itself, even if I don’t want to, it won’t leave me in peace until I do. My heart leads, all I can do is surrender. Three years ago when my false twin came into my life I honestly wasn’t looking for it, neither was I looking for a man. That was the last thing I wanted. It hit me like a brick wall out of nowhere. You know it if you moved through this. It was certainly an initiation onto this path. After I let go of him over a year ago, now I know why he came first and I’m very grateful for him and feel nothing but love towards him, my true divine ...

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Co Creating Your Garden of Eden

It’s so much about remembrance of our true nature, our true origin. Who we are, not what we learned or been conditioned to believe. To truly experience deep peace, bliss, abundance and unconditional love. And for this to happen we have to restore our trust in God and come to a balance between our inner divine feminine and inner divine masculine. The two of them making peace with each other, forgiveness of any pain they are still holding onto so they can truly meet each other in their highest expression and return to the deep devotion and love they have for each other, their union and God. Restoring the power of their trinity and their divine co-creation powers where miracles are born.We ...

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Womb & Divine Union

As the womb releases from thousands of years of distortion she returns to her deep mystery and creation powers and she blooms into all she is. Opening, unfurling into her highest divine blueprint, her divinity, deep sensuality, and holy desire to restore all that is sacred. She transmits this into this existence and anchors new divine templates that are ready to be birthed here now. For the highest good of all. In her softness and effortless creative power she moves. In divine flow with all that is sacred. She’s the primordial emanation of Divine Mother and she holds within her all mysteries of this creation from the very beginning, the first sparks of life. She serves the highest love ...

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Walking the Divine Feminine Path

I’ve spent the last 11 years since the Winter Solstice 2012 restoring my original divine feminine template. I didn’t know what the journey fully was until now. I understood it’s guided by my soul and her healing and return to wholeness, but I didn’t have the full picture. Now looking back I have the clarity and understanding of this deep, sacred, incredibly hard, painful, beautiful journey that found me in fear and despair as well as incredible highs many times as I am returning to the deepest most embodied divine love as divine feminine on Earth.Embodying her more and more I’m also coming to realisation even more so how much distortion there really is on this Earth and how it actually ...

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Twin Flames, Love & Relationships

There’s so much distortion about Twin Flames that recently many started dropping the label because they don’t want to be associated with the distortion sold online and beyond. I was there too and now I’m going to reclaim the label of being a twin flame. This experience deserves to be recognised by a name because it’s so confusing, and life-changing and at first you have no idea what’s actually happening to you and as humans we want to understand our experience. I’ve been on this path for the past three years. For the first two years, I had a catalyst twin who initiated me to this path. Awakened my kundalini and many of my soul gifts including light language. Many past lives, especially ...

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Divine Love & Divine Union

There are men/women who are destined to enter your life. They hold the same soul signature and these meetings are destined because you carry codes within you that are designed to wake each other up. I no longer want to give these encounters a label, twin flames, twin rays, … let’s call them divine counterparts.They’re different to soul mates. And you know when you meet them. They awaken you in profound ways. They awake your kundalini fire within you. Your life is likely to fall apart around you and you rapidly enter the awakening process. This kundalini fire that has been woken up within you is stirring you and moving you forward and towards your full Sovereignty. Towards your destiny. ...

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Healing Unhealthy Patterns with Men

We women feel that we have been deeply wounded by the patriarchy but I feel men carry much deeper wounding than us. What has been done to men has affected everything. The way men's minds have been played with and manipulated has caused such imbalance on Earth.Men are powerful protectors and providers. They fiercely protect their innocence when connected to their truth, to their hearts. They know deep down as much as we do how to restore balance and equilibrium. Only by letting go of these old hurts and coming together in a healthy deeply embodied way, we can create true lasting change.As I’m deepening into that beautiful divine union with God/Source everything out of alignment is asking to ...

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Wild Feminine vs Wounded Feminine

The wounded feminine has hold of most of the feminine spirituality and let’s not even go into the rest of this matrix, that’s another story. I’ve been there. I played in there not knowing the entrapment of these old outdated priestess structures. As a priestess for many lifetimes, I was remembering and embodying this again. But as I’m in the process of releasing all, this too is going.It’s connected to fear, to siphoning our sacred life force and sadly plugging us into the moon. There’s so much distortion and most don’t see it. I certainly didn’t. I still don’t have the whole truth but it’s unraveling and I will speak about it once the full truth is revealed.There’s so much that’s taking ...

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True Mysteries of Divine Feminine

When you experience your own orgasmic creation you awake to your true essence. Your raw creation is a beautiful place to be. To be merged in. To dance with.Hana AshtaraWhen I dance, I don’t just dance. I directly channel my soul essence and I release healing codes through my body language. Through my hands, my eyes. I have past lives when I used to dance as a form of healing performance and I’m remembering again this art. I recently had a download that my eyes have laser healing powers, something I wasn’t aware of so I started dancing with my eyes open rather than closed. During my Shakti Dance Circle, I do a lot of clearings for the beautiful women who join and bring through new downloads. ...

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We are all moving through rapid transformation on every level and if you truly ride these waves you can clear many past lives and close old timelines for you and your ancestral line and work on the collective level. Remember we're one consciousness, everything you do for yourself, you do for others. If you're really ready to do this work and move with this ascension wave Universe will support you in every way. It will bring you the triggers, the people and the opportunities to move you forward.The amount of shadow that I have shifted over the past year is insane. The clearing and healing I have experienced are vast. The gifts that I have uncovered, the dormant powers within me, the ...

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