Every challenge is an invitation to move deeper into an embodiment of your true divine essence. To fall back into love, into truth, into peace, into bliss and activate your abundance on all levels. Each time you move closer to God, to love, to truth, you awaken deep remembrance of your original divine spark. Your healing ripples out into your ancestral lineage, into the Earth grids and beyond.
Your soul will always be guiding you and the challenges that are on your path whether it’s health, wealth or relationships are here for you. To move you, to awaken you, to see truth, to know true eternal love. You might have been looping in some of these for years, but know that once you make the choice from a deep desire to change everything will be orchestrated for you.
You must choose and use your free will, knowing that you’re worthy of living in your highest expression as divine love, bliss and abundance. It’s not a fantasy, we’ve just been conditioned for many lifetimes to live a life of struggle and scarcity by those who don’t want us to remember our true nature. Everything out there is cleverly designed to keep us looping and trapped until we choose otherwise. Until we allow ourselves to see the truth. Until we open again. And open some more. To Love, to God, to Truth. And fall back into this river that’s been waiting for us…. to come home.
Many of us have forgotten how does it feel to be fully free and liberated in our body and on this Earth. It’s something we fought for for so long because it hasn’t been present here and part of our experience. Especially for ancient souls and priestesses who had many incarnations on Earth and beyond and who have been walking the path of love and devotion and standing for liberation yet forgotten how it actually feels in the body. Who experienced a violation of their free will over and over again. Whose resources were taken away. Who were tricked, manipulated, persecuted.
Liberation doesn’t happen until you are ready to take yourself through that portal. Until you get to the core desires of your soul. From here you can liberate yourself. It plays a massive part to your wealth reclamation and your divine union with your beloved. Until you feel safe in the body and reclaim your original innocence and worth you will not allow the wealth and the holy love fully in. This reprogramming has to happen within your body.
In my sessions and programs, I go deep into these programs gently guiding you onto the path of divine union and soul liberation. To book a session with me please follow this link.
All my love,
Hana x
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