I am pure stream of consciousness. I am pure love. Perfect synergy, harmony and balance. I am whole and complete. Sovereign and free. Loving and lovable. I am of this Earth and of this Sky. Orgasmic bloom of divine. Forever expanding, blooming and blossoming. I am. I am you. You are me. We are one.

Shadow Work

New Earth is not about 5d, 6d and beyond. I’ve experienced myself way beyond that and that’s not why we’re here. New Earth is about people dropping into their hearts. Acknowledging the lies we tell ourselves and taking accountability for clearing and healing them until only love remains. It’s about doing the shadow work that no one wants to do but rather everyone distracts themselves with whatever there is on offer whether material or spiritual. If we truly want to move forward we have to do the inner work. Otherwise, we remain in the looping pattern. However spiritual or enlightened you think you are, it all comes down to your heart. It's about remembrance of who you are as a source ...

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Are you walking the Ascension Path?

Not everyone is choosing the ascension path in this lifetime but if you're reading this post you are very likely already walking the ascension path or realising you're here for more than what your eyes can see. You're waking to the divinity within you. You're realising you're not just this body, you are so much more. You are source embodied. You are the stars, the galaxies and this Earth. You are the spirit and the matter in the divine dance.The first time I properly heard about the concept of enlightenment/samadhi/nirvana was in 2005 during my yoga teacher training in Kerala, India. I was 29, a newbie to yoga. It actually freaked me out and I decided that this is not what I want. Not my ...

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Mary Magdalene and Jesus Story

What if I told you that Mary Magdalene and Jesus were never together as a couple. She was his disciple. And he treated and loved her as equal to everyone else. She was madly in love with him. She wanted and desired him badly. She loved him as deep as a woman could possibly love a man. I know because I felt her love for him and it’s deep. Her love is complete surrender. And I know because I’m part of her soul group and I’ve seen the truth. She is a force of love. I know that too. And I’m not denying that she has gone and created her own legacy after Jesus' death. But there’re many lies circulating around, know that most are channeled and coloured in. We love to believe fairytales and don’t ...

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Surrender and Ride the Waves of Bliss

Why do we ever get so stuck? Why do we allow fear to penetrate us so much? When we often know the next step. Yet we doubt this inner guidance, we disregard whispers of our soul that is here to guide us on this path. If we could just surrender, fully step into trust and lean into the knowing that we are safe regardless of anything that is happening... imagine where you would be.Because when we finally surrender and ride the waves of change bliss is inevitable. Only in this deep surrender you find peace. You come home. And you realise you've always been home. You wake up from this illusion you lived in for so long. Another layer gets peeled off, and another and another. On this eternal journey ...

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The Power of Forgiveness

Self Portrait by Ashtara Today's post is a continuation of my last post Healing the Betrayal by the Masculine and if you haven't read it please read it before this one to have more insight. I've just returned from a two-day healing retreat not far from my home in the beautiful Cotswolds countryside. The betrayal wounding and mistrust of the masculine have been playing up for the past two weeks in my life in preparation for what was ready to be released and healed. Two past lives with my son have come up for release. Both that I already knew about but this time more trauma came to light. I will only mention the first one which was life during Victorian times in Rome that ended in a tragic ...

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Healing the Betrayal by the Masculine

The betrayal wound by the masculine runs deep. It's deeply embedded in our cells and releasing this wound requires lots of shadow work and heart healing. And most importantly forgiveness. I have written more on this in The Power of Forgiveness.Men in our life are mirroring our wounding enabling us to heal and release them within ourselves. Our soul chooses this experience over and over until it clears. Looking back throughout my life I can now clearly see how men have been demonstrating this in my life. Last November I've been called among other five women to a two-day retreat. I am part of Mary Magdalene's soul group and carry that consciousness and we have gathered together to help this ...

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The Truth about Twin Flames

Soul work with my twin flame played an important part in my past year and I feel that it's important to speak about my experience. For me and for you. So much is being said about twin flames with lots of confusing information out there. Some stories come from personal experience, some are channelled and some come from ancient stories and myths. Some say it's simply a soul fragmentation and completely disregard this phenomenon. The truth is that we all are fragments of the source that wants to experience itself in a myriad of ways. And each fragment, oversoul further splits to experience itself. Where or why twin flames fit in, why we made up this term, I don't know. Although I have my own ...

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It’s all about letting go

It's Sunday and we're having a beautiful Blood Moon Eclipse. Such lovely energy, deep and mystical and I'm being guided that it's time for my first blog post here. It's been exactly ten months since I let go of my old blog Nirvana Cakery and everything has changed and shifted since that moment I said I'm ready to let it go. I've been guided to do this for a while but until that moment that day when life decided to push me to my limits yet again, I knew it was time. If I don't change now, I'm going to die. You can ignore the subtle voice of your soul for as long as you choose but she/he will keep going and she/he will never give up on you, because is you. So that day I put my blog on sale ...

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