Feminine Wealth Dance Ceremony
Is it finally time we fully step into our sensual bliss and radiance as women? Be the fruit and abundance of Sophia and anchor it here for all to experience.
Working with the frequency of orchid we are going to journey and reconnect with the feminine wealth of our Sophianic lineage as rose priestesses and mermaids. Reclaim our oracular power and feminine magic.
Feminine manifests through desire and pleasure and becoming the embodiment of abundance and lusciousness of Earth and creation. Join me for a deeply embodied juicy sensual journey activating our Eros and frequency of pleasure, our wealth nature, and bliss. Awakening our aliveness, radiance, and ripeness. Feeling sensual, and turned on by our magic, by our hearts, by our divine mission. Dropping our illusion of separation, and martyrdom, and allowing claiming the abundance that is our birthright. Saying yes to our divine purpose.
Anchoring some powerful divine feminine wealth codes on Earth for all of us to access.
Truly it’s about saying yes to our joy and abundance that is our birthright. Dropping the struggle and choosing to walk a different path. Choosing our happiness.
I’m doing this ceremony within The Priestess Society membership and you can join us either by joining the membership for £44 per month or you’re welcome to join just this ceremony for £33.
“Hana, you are such a divine gorgeous soul. The energy and frequencies you bring through in your dance ceremonies are beautiful. “Remember Her” is my absolute favorite.”
“Hana is a powerful, gifted soul with such profound and pure connection. I feel entirely safe within the beautiful containers that she creates and able to really let go and lean into the experience (not always easy for me!). The Earth Day ceremony I joined recently was absolutely divine, empowering, healing, and magical – I released so much within the container and continued to experience profound shifts and insights in the weeks following. I have always been a ‘reluctant’ dancer, and Hana has offered a space where I have finally been able to connect with the beautiful divine sensual power of movement and take it into my everyday practice. What a gift!”
“Hana creates a deep sacred space for her Dance Ceremony. She guides the group field to journey within. The energetic holding through music & her light language transmissions support the healing & emotional release that you are ready to transform. She embodies deep Soul love in Service to God.”