Custom 1:1 Program
A sacred healing journey completely tailored to your needs and any problems you’re experiencing whether it’s your health, wealth, or love to assist you in stepping into a whole new version of yourself and your life in the highest alignment with your soul and divine purpose.
When you start addressing your deepest held wounds and any trauma, outdated beliefs, and distorted programs stored in your body, healing will take place across all areas of your life and your life will automatically start reorganizing around you and magic will start taking place. You learn to trust again that you are held and supported. You tap into new ways of life and enter the unknown, the magic and miracles that your soul and God has in store for you.
Everything first needs to take place within. I will hold you in a loving high frequency temple so you can gently travel and witness any parts of you that are still hurting, even those deeply buried within you and your unconscious so we can bring deep love, acceptance and compassion to them and allow them to return to love and natural balance. Returning all of you to equilibrium and love.
Life is meant to feel blissful, pleasurable, and ecstatic. Our true nature is aliveness, and once you feel the true pulse of life, of divinity within you it moves you to places you’ve never imagined existed. You enter your Heaven on Earth. Effortlessly. You co-create it from within.
As a multidimensional healer, embodiment guide and priestess I will gently guide you to your wholeness, bliss, abundance and holy liberation that is your birthright. To the life your soul desires you to experience. And ultimately to your highest destiny and soul purpose. You will feel satiated on every level. Blissful, whole, at peace, safe and deeply held.
To enter my healing temple please connect with me via a free call or email. Thank you.
All my love,
Hana x