To be a Priestess is to be an embodied bridge between Heaven and Earth.
The Priestess walks the path of devotion, sacred service, inner alchemy and union, purifying herself to be a conduit for sacred creation.
She straddles the seen and unseen realms to weave the magical and the miraculous into the mundane. She is dedicated to awakening the original innocence of the heart, the primordial power of the womb and restoring the integrity of the central channel (Sushumna) in service to union with God. She is fulled by eros, pleasure and aliveness, creating in congruence with the current of her awakened Kundalini. She is a master of inner alchemy, freeing herself from limiting constructs to traverse dimensions of consciousness beyond linear time and space. She is a fierce steward of the Earth, actively working with Gaia’s wisdom and supporting the synergy and harmony of the web of life. She is devoted to cultivating and embodying her divine gifts, for she can only truly serve The One, as an expression of the One, when she fully realises her potential.
The Priestess lives within every woman, as an innate and devotional aspect of the All. Does this archetype and architecture awaken something within you?
Do you feel the call to resurrect and reclaim the Priestess within?

As Priestesses, we once possessed great wealth – both materially and in our spiritual capacities. We were connected to our power as creatrixes and intrinsically understood the wealth codes carried within the womb. We were in direct service to the divine; to the communion with Holy Mother/Father God. We walked the path of devotion and love. We remembered our eternal innocence and worth. We used our magic and co-creative powers in the highest service to God-Source and sacred creation. We were the embodied bridges, connecting the divine and mundane realms and reality; weaving the two as one
But during the rise of the Piscean patriarchal empires and the establishment of monotheistic religious systems (acknowledging only Father-God), this innate power, wisdom and sanctity was cast aside and into the shadows.
The feminine architecture was diminished, degraded and distorted. As the subsequent fall of consciousness descended, our magic and wealth as feminine conduits were siphoned and stolen. We lived in fear of persecution, isolation and betrayal, hiding our voices, shielding our hearts and dampening the innate current of eros within us. We martyred ourselves to keep the peace and appease the egos of misguided leaders, authority figures and beings severed from the wisdom of the feminine.
But that time is over, and the feminine force of creation is returning to us – through us. Do you hear the call? This is a time of deep reclamation to restore our divine inheritance, our power, our magnetism and our wealth as women. It’s time to rise. It’s time to seed our legacies on this Earth, to restore temperance and uplift all of humanity. It’s time to embody the true power of love and reconnect with the fierce grace, wisdom and love of the feminine – the one who walks the path of Divine Union with God as her beloved, seeding the New Earth through her sacred body technology.
Are you ready to join us in this revolution and weave your divine legacy?

Introducing THE PRIESTESS SOCIETY: A portal where eros, magic, wealth and holy love meet.
When you enter The Priestess Society, you’re entering the temple of your own sacred rebirth and resurrection. Within this portal, you will experience a holy remembrance as a divine feminine embodiment of God-Goddess. This is a space to dissolve the karmic bondage keeping you small and reclaim the fullness of your feminine architecture: your bliss, pleasure, aliveness, wealth and your eternal beloved.
The time is now sister.
We don’t have access to the Red Tents (traditionally spaces where women would gather when menstruating or in deep oracular states to be nourished by connection and bring through deep wisdom and insight to share with their community) or Temple space anymore – and we feel our feminine hearts are grieving this tragic loss.
There are so few spaces available for us to gather that feel safe, sacred and truly empowering. After moving through such intense inner alchemical processes ourselves for many years on the path of awakening and union, we felt the current of creation guide us to be part of the solution, and begin offering those spaces for the women that feel the call to go deeper.
We bring forth The Priestess Society as a sacred offering and invitation; an invitation to honour the fullness of all that you are, and all that you came here to be, by gifting yourself the sacred space to awaken the Priestess codes that are encoded in your DNA and soul’s blueprint.
The Priestess Society is a private online portal to immerse yourself in the feminine mysteries, sacred arts, union alchemy & empowering sisterhood.
The temple doors are now open.

We’ve been part of many group programs and what’s sad about them is that they end and everyone moves on. Even the connections you’ve made mostly drift away, there’s not enough time to truly create deeper bonds.
That’s where we feel membership can be such a blessing, it’s there as long as you need it, and it offers sisterhood and support in times of need. It’s a private portal to come together and hold each other in love, acceptance and compassion. To grow, to rise together. To share our stories of bliss and of pain. To feel heard and seen in a safe loving container.
That’s the intention we are putting out there and calling all of you who are feeling this call of sacred sisterhood and ancient mysteries of divine feminine as daughters of the Holy Mother. To come in deep remembrance of our true nature. To restore our sacred holy waters and divine inheritance. To embody Divine Union.

Topics we explore in The Priestess Society membership:
Divine Union & Way of Love
Divine Feminine Leadership & Wealth
Awakening Soul Gifts & Stepping into Divine Purpose
Resurrecting the Inner Solar Queen & Inner Solar King
Birthing New Earth
Womb Wealth Activations
Voice Activations
Sensual Embodiment Practices
We have two tiers available – Emerald membership (£44 per month) and Sapphire membership (£333 per month). If you no longer feel a resonance or need for the portal, you can cancel your subscription at any time.

As part of your Emerald Membership (£44 per month), you will be receiving:
~ 2 x live 90 minute group ceremonies & activation calls per month (with monthly Q&A and sharing circle)
~ Access to a rich library of previous dance ceremonies & masterclasses hosted by Hana & Natasha (updated regularly)
~ Bonus monthly written or recorded content to support inner alchemy and embodiment – this includes nourishing recipes, self-inquiry prompts or practices to descend and ground your energy
~ Private Telegram sisterhood group and community chat for an ongoing container of key information, support and inspiration
~ Quarterly seasonal ceremonies (equinox and solstice portals) to support our cyclical nature as women and to weave with the rhythms with the earth and cosmos
~ Annual in-person meet-up via our Priestess Society Parties (free for members but a paid offering otherwise)
~ Play an active part in shaping and co-creating the Society by requesting practices, teachings or workshops; your feedback will be used to inform what we share and journey through together to ensure it is serving what is alive in the field and your personal awakening journey

As part of your Sapphire Membership (£333 per month), you will be receiving:
~ 2 x 1:1 mentoring calls with Hana and Natasha respectively per month
PLUS all of the benefits of the Emerald tier:
~ 2 x live 90 minute group ceremonies & activation calls per month (with monthly Q&A and sharing circle)
~ Access to a rich library of previous dance ceremonies & masterclasses hosted by Hana & Natasha (updated regularly)
~ Bonus monthly written or recorded content to support inner alchemy and embodiment – this includes nourishing recipes, self-inquiry prompts or practices to descend and ground your energy
~ Private Telegram sisterhood group and community chat for an ongoing container of key information, support and inspiration
~ Quarterly seasonal ceremonies (equinox and solstice portals) to support our cyclical nature as women and to weave with the rhythms with the earth and cosmos
~ Annual in-person meet-up via our Priestess Society Parties (free for members but a paid offering otherwise)
~ Play an active part in shaping and co-creating the Society by requesting practices, teachings or workshops; your feedback will be used to inform what we share and journey through together to ensure it is serving what is alive in the field and your personal awakening journey

Hana and Natasha are fellow Priestesses, Embodiment Guides, Soul Artists & devotees of the union architecture with a big vision and juicy mission – to empower the feminine leaders and architects of the new earth to rise in their power, potential and purpose. Together, they work with the organic Twin Flame template (which is God-centred with a focus on inner union first and foremost) to support the return to greater sovereignty, self-mastery and soul embodiment.
If you’d like to learn more, please get in touch by emailing us at [email protected] or set up a free alignment call.
We are dedicated to global awakening and believe feminine empowerment is the birthright of every woman on Earth.
As such, we will be offering quarterly scholarships within The Priestess Society for the women who feel a strong call to dive into this devotional work but are facing challenges or hardships that may be a barrier to accessing the portal otherwise.
If this speaks to your soul, please email [email protected] for the link to apply.
All our love,
Hana & Natasha