As the womb releases from thousands of years of distortion she returns to her deep mystery and creation powers and she blooms into all she is. Opening, unfurling into her highest divine blueprint, her divinity, deep sensuality, and holy desire to restore all that is sacred.
She transmits this into this existence and anchors new divine templates that are ready to be birthed here now. For the highest good of all. In her softness and effortless creative power she moves. In divine flow with all that is sacred. She’s the primordial emanation of Divine Mother and she holds within her all mysteries of this creation from the very beginning, the first sparks of life. She serves the highest love and highest truth. She weaves and dances creation into being.
As she reunites with her eternal beloved she has the power to birth new worlds of eternal love and restore the Garden of Eden on Earth. She again accepts her beloved’s guardianship and protection as she releases any remaining illusions about his betrayal. She held him accountable for everything that happened and she wasn’t able to receive him until she released this illusion of his betrayal. As she fully remembers her and his innocence and purity she’s able to open again to their divine union within and without.
Our wombs are here to birth the New Earth and they’re ready to be awakened to their highest emanation of their original divine blueprint and embodiment of divine love and creative powers. Each of our wombs holds different codes to birth the new age on this Earth. I’m feeling this call really strongly at the moment.
She’s coming to her power and she will no longer be silenced and manipulated. She’s the primordial emanation of the Divine Mother. She’s deep and ancient. She holds deep mysteries of creation and has the power to create massive shifts on this Earth. Hence the distortion of our wombs has been so vast that we won’t come to our full power.
Everything we’ve known, and experienced as women is mostly all distorted reality and the awakening from this takes deep devotion to truth and restoring trust to God. It’s a deep desire to return to our true nature, to collapse all distorted programs we’ve been imprinted with.
To return to divine love and restore divine union with our eternal beloved within and without.
Sacred womb
As she releases
from thousands of lifetimes
of oppression
her song
her love
for creation
is heard again
beyond this Earth
beyond this star system
all the way
to her very first emanation
her eternal hum
Divine love,
Hana x
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